Okay, it's not like 99% of my Instagram followers are strangers, but when I get a new follower, they are either the aforementioned or friends who just joined Instagram recently. This finding got me thinking: how did this friend find my Instagram account? Did they see my Instagram post on Facebook and followed me from there? Or did they have so much free time in hand they actually used the "Find Friends" feature on Instagram? But why? Is there a hidden motive or is this just a random occurrence that I may ignore?
Look, of course getting a new follower is a pleasure, and I do not mind this person following me at all. I even followed them back! But my point is: what they did is something I'm really unlikely to do. I find it awkward. Because if I just follow my friend on Instagram without asking the person, I'm scared they will think all the above thoughts. See what I mean now?
Sometimes a thought comes across my mind when I look at my friends' Instagram profile and find that they have thousands of followers, compared to my mere 400 followers. How could that be? How can I have so few followers compared to my friends? I'm not the type to follow strangers on social media (anymore! *blush*) so following random accounts who do #followforfollow won't work. Maybe I could find my friends on Instagram and follow them, secretly hoping they'll know who I am and be kind enough to follow back.
But... Would they be okay with that? I don't really know this person all that well... Maybe they wouldn't really want me to follow them and see their photos? Ah well, just follow them and see I guess. But wait! What if they think I'm stalking them? They could think that I have a crush on them or something. NONONO let's not do this. I'd rather have fewer followers than being branded as a stalker!
The same concern occurred on Facebook too. You know that little section on the home page suggesting people you may know? Yes. That one. It makes me go "whoa I have hundreds of mutual friends with this person I think I've met them once or twice at some event but should I really add them as a friend or actually will they even remember meeting me or at least if they forgot my name hopefully they recognise my face but there is a possibility they completely forgot and don't know that I exist and think I'm a random stranger who added them just to get more friends on Facebook or have a crush on them and want to hit them up"
On Snapchat as well. Got that one classmate in my contacts. Found they have a Snapchat account. Don't know if it's really okay to follow them. Maybe they wouldn't really want me to have a look on their personal daily life as I only did one group work with them and never talked to them anymore.
Why can't it all be not awkward? I wish I had the guts to just click follow. Maybe they will follow me back and like a couple of photos.
On that note, please feel free to follow me on Instagram at @dessskris now before I think it's too random and you might be stalking me. Add me on Facebook if you know me, and you can add me on Snapchat by the same username @dessskris. Thank you for stalking my blog and go back to work!