Wednesday 20 May 2015


12 Kostum Unik dan Seksi Lady Gaga di The Simpsons

Oke, untuk merayakan kembalinya blog ini berjalan, saya sudah tidak sabar ingin menulis di blog ini. Namun, apa daya saya tak mampu. Masih ada dua ujian lagi besok sama lusa. Mudah-mudahan saya bisa lanjut posting seusai ujian ya.

Untuk mengurangi kekecewaan para followers, dan karena saya juga udah pengen banget bikin post di blog ini, saya pengen re-post sebuah thread yang pernah saya buat di Kaskus tapi tanggapannya kurang banyak. Memang kurang banyak penjelasan di post saya itu, jadi kali ini ingin saya tambahkan. Enjoy deh postingannya!

Teman-teman pasti tau kan sama kartun The Simpsons? Kalian pasti juga tau kan sama penyanyi ternama Lady Gaga? Apa yang terjadi kalau Lady Gaga muncul sebagai karakter di The Simpsons?


Di The Simpsons season 23 episode 22, Lady Gaga lagi naik kereta pribadinya menuju konser, melewati Springfield. Terus menurut dia kota Springfield itu madesu abis, makanya dia memutuskan mampir di sana dulu untuk menghibur penduduk Springfield. Kebetulan si Lisa Simpson lagi dibully sama temen2 sekolahnya, jadi si Gaga mencoba untuk menghibur Lisa padahal Lisa gak demen sama Lady Gaga. Jadi akhirnya Lisa marah2 ke Gaga dan merasa lega. Tapi ternyata si Gaga sakit hati dan mau langsung cabut dari Springfield. Lisa akhirnya menyadari kesalahannya, minta maaf dan berterima kasih ke Gaga dan mereka nyanyi bareng di hadapan kota Springfield.

Nah, dalam episode yang berjudul "Lisa Goes Gaga" ini, Lady Gaga mengenakan bermacam-macam kostum yang unik dan gila, seperti kostum2 yang dia pakai di konsernya di dunia nyata. Yuk langsung aja cekidot guys!

1. Kostum Emas

Yang ini masih normal kok. Jas panjang berwarna emas dan rok semi-transparan cocok banget buat penampilan Gaga. Apalagi rambutnya dikuncir!

2. Kostum "Hidup"

Awalnya saya gak tau ini kostum apaan, tapi ternyata kostum ini sering dipakai Gaga di dunia nyata lho. Kabarnya sih, kostum ini bisa buka-tutup kayak kipas. Keren juga ya!

3. Kostum Terompet

Apa gak berat tuh non? Berapa biji terompet ya yang ada di kostum ini? 

4. Kostum Burung

Sekarang pertanyaannya ada berapa burung yang hinggap di kostum ini?? Kayaknya Gaga suka banget kostum yang isinya suatu barang aja. Bukan motif doang, tapi barang aslinya. Anyway, burung-burung di kostum ini beneran hidup lho! Pengen deh bisa terbang pakai kostum ini.

5. Kostum Daging

Jangan ketawa, kostum ini beneran pernah dipakai Gaga di dunia nyata lho! Ada yang mau makan dagingnya? Homer aja berani manggang salah satu daging dari kostum Gaga buat dia makan.

6. Kostum Torpedo Bra

Bra Gaga mirip cone es krim...tapi dari besi. Ya, inilah kostum torpedo bra milik Gaga yang bisa menyemburkan api. Ned Flanders pernah jadi korban juga tuh. Tapi api lho yang disembur, bukan yang lain ya! Kalau yang lain, pasti banyak yang mau deh -__-"

7. Kostum Sepatu Zebra

Yang ini saya juga gak tau kostum apaan, tapi keren juga tuh sepatunya motif zebra. Tapi tinggi amat ya? Yang paling kanan itu, Gaga pakai sepatu heels di dalam sepatu heels. *inception* Saya sih takut jatuh kalau pake sepatu setinggi itu :P

8. Kostum Misterius

Saya gak ngerti ini kostum apa, tapi kok rasanya kayak dia pengen turun ke saluran air dan berburu hantu ya?

9. Kostum Tentara

Hormat, grak! Keren juga Gaga pakai kostum ini, meskipun saya gak yakin Gaga bisa jadi tentara yang kuat. Yang ada dia dance sama nyanyi pas disuruh perang.

10. Kostum Vampir

Hati-hati sama yang ini, apalagi kalau taringnya sudah keluar!

11. Kostum Manusia Serigala

Yang ini gak kalah seremnya. Makanya kalau sudah malam jangan berkeliaran dekat hutan, nanti dikejar lho!

12. Kostum Pita

Saya suka rambut Gaga di sini, dijadikan pita! Bajunya sih kurang kelihatan, abisnya ketutupan meja.

12. Kostum Nyentrik

Yang ini juga gak jelas kostum apa, tapi rambutnya nyentrik abis! Saya juga suka tiaranya hehe.


Maggie Simpson juga ikut2an jadi Baby GooGoo nih :P Siapa yang lebih keren?

Gimana guys? Paling suka kostum nomor berapa? Saya sih paling suka yang ada burungnya, no. 4. Si Maggie juga kocak abis :D Lady Gaga memang selalu unik gaya berpakaiannya. Semua kostum di atas terinspirasi dari kostum-kostum yang benar pernah dikenakan Gaga di dunia nyata lho!

Maaf ya Little Monsters kalau ada beberapa yang salah namanya. Komentar aja di bawah, nanti saya koreksi!

Segitu aja dari saya... Maaf kalau gak jelas postnya, beberapa memang terlalu artistik jadi saya gak ngerti!! :P Buat para fashion designer di luar sana, mudah-mudahan kostum2 ini bisa jadi inspirasi ya.

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© 20th Century Fox Television
Sinopsisnya saya tulis sendiri, karena pernah nonton :)

Tuesday 19 May 2015


Suprise Surprise: UPDATE!

Hi everyone,

I know it's been years (literally) since I last posted anything on this blog.

It's probably because I have changed. From the me who thought blogging was cool (actually it was, at least at the time), to the me who thinks it's not necessary to share every little thing in life! I have learnt that posting too much on the social media could be annoying, and it feels better to share my stories with actual friends, so I get a reaction and could interact with people, compared to my blog posts that never get any comments (T_T).

So why did I come back? It was actually due to a simple matter. I just found a really good song by my favourite YouTube singer, Alex G, and I was looking for the lyrics to it. I found one, but it has a few mistakes (or so I think) and I couldn't edit it on that website, so I wanted to get a hold of my own version of it, while sharing it with others at the same time. That's when I remembered I had a blog!

I cleaned this blog up a bit, by hiding several posts that I don't want others to read anymore. I should also get a new template, but probably not now! Not now because I'm in the middle of exams.

That's right, people! I'm in the final year of my undergraduate study in Mathematics right now. Yes I understand if you're surprised because the last time I posted in this blog I was still in school. I finish my exams this Friday actually which means I'll be leaving uni soon! This blog is missing out. Also hopefully I will be continuing to a master's study in Computing Science this Autumn. :)

You may also be surprised my English has improved by a lot and my style of writing has changed. It's the effects of aging :P JK, I mean I have upgraded my maturity level. Hopefully if I could, I'll post more often. With quality this time!

Please click the follow button to be the first to know when I post something new!
Also spare your time to write in the comments box what you want me to write about, or what you think about this change.

Hopefully see you soon!


Alex G - Too Far (Lyrics)

I wonder how my life would be
If I had grown up by the sea
And lived a little
I wonder if my heart could grow
If the only love I know
Was all I needed

Sometimes I wish that I
Could fly away from here
‘Cause what if it all goes wrong?

Would it be bad if I drove too far
And forgot my way around?
Maybe my worry would disappear
If I’m nowhere to be found
So maybe I’ll drive too far

I wonder how my voice would sound
If it was in the background
No one heard it
I wonder how it feels to speak
Still be heard without the need
To be the loudest

Sometimes I wish that I
(Sometimes I wish that I)
Could fly away from here
(Could fly away from here)
‘Cause what if it all goes wrong?

Oh, my vision's blurry now
(My vision's blurry now)
I wish it all was clear
(I wish it all was clear)
Not knowing's killing me

Would it be bad if I drove too far
And forgot my way around?
Maybe my worry would disappear
If I’m nowhere to be found
So maybe I’ll drive too far

Sometimes I wish that I
Could fly away from here
What if it all goes wrong?
My vision's blurry now
(My vision's blurry all now)
I wish it all was clear
(I wish it all was clear)
Not knowing's killing me

Would it be bad if I drove too far
And forgot my way around?
Maybe my worry would disappear
If I’m nowhere to be found
And lived a little

Oh (Would it be bad if I drove too far)
Oh (Forgot my way around?)
Yeah, maybe my worry would disappear
(Maybe my worry would disappear)
If I’m nowhere to be found
(If I’m nowhere to be found)
So maybe I’ll drive too far
Maybe I’ll drive too far


(Please send corrections in the comments box)